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Radon: It’s in the Air, and the Water

Posted on 8/16/2018 by Erik H. Reisner

Whether you’re a prospective buyer, seller, or homeowner; Radon is something that you should educate yourself about to get a better understanding of how it could effect your long-term health, and marketability of your property.

Radon in Air:

Radon is a gas and is the result of the natural breakdown of uranium in rock, water, and soil. It rises into the home through through penetrations and cracks in the foundation, or in some cases dirt floor basements and crawl spaces.

Whether your home is 5 Star Energy rated or an old dilapidated farmhouse that leaks like a sieve the radon level could be potentially elevated above the EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L. According to the Vermont Department of Health 1 in 8 homes in Vermont have unsafe levels of radon.

If you are a homeowner in Vermont you can get a free long-term test from the State by calling (800) 439-8550, or emailing The only way to know if your home has elevated levels of radon is to test it, and the long-term test is the most accurate.

What if the Radon Level is high?

Depending on how elevated the Radon level is in your home there are several ways to mitigate. We spoke with Mike Cosgrove, owner of A.S.D. of Vermont (Active Soil Depressurization). He is a Licensed Professional who has installed more than 1,000 mitigation systems!

Mike’s strongest recommendation is that you should use licensed installers, plumbers, etc.  If you use a professional you are much more likely to resolve the issue and have a long-term solution that will safely mitigate the radon.

Depending on the construction of your home there are several ways to mitigate the radon. If you have an unfinished garage or attic the fan can be installed inside.


 Radon fan in garage


Other homes may require an external system.


External radon fan


Radon in Water:

If you have elevated radon levels in the air inside your home there can also be elevated levels of radon in your water, especially if you have a private drilled well.

This can also be mitigated with an aeration system. 

Radon in water system


In summary, if you’re a buyer be sure to do the proper testing during your Building Inspection. If you’re a homeowner and you do not know the radon level in your home, take advantage of the free long-term test offered by the Vermont Department of Health. Then if the results are high consult a professional like Mike Cosgrove of A.S.D. of Vermont


5513 Main Street, Waitsfield, VT 05673 | 802-496-5000 |